From beginner to elite the EMRR club caters for everybody.

Have a go - Beginner training - Ongoing training & coaching


As one of the premier clubs in Nottinghamshire EMRR club has a large instructor training team, enabling safe training from beginners to elite shooters, all training is overseen by qualified range conducting officers, instructors and coaches.


HAVE A GO SESSIONS   ++ currently suspended due to the Covid outbreak  ++

Air rifle - many people start shooting using air rifles, a 1 hour have a go session is a great introduction especially for families.

Shoot variety of .22 Bolt action and Semiautomatic rifles, these sessions can be done as individuals or in a small group.



All new members must complete a probationary training course, this is delivered by qualified instructors to recognise National governing body standards.

During the course you will learn all the basics to be a safe competent shooter the course includes:

  • Safety
  • Marksmanship principles and skills
  • The safe shooting system
  • Introduction to Bolt action rifles
  • Introduction to semiautomatic rifles
  • Introduction to firearms law
  • All ammunition, firearms and personal protective equipment

At the end of the course you should be proficient and able to shoot during club activities.

New members with previous experience may be eligible for a direct assessment and familiarisation.


TRAINING - discipline specific

There are many varying types of target shooting, to cover everything on one course is unrealistic, therefore following completion of the probationary training course the club offers discipline specific training all building on the skills learnt during probationary training.

  • Introduction to Match Air Rifle
  • Introduction to Smallbore target rifle
  • Introduction to Benchrest shooting
  • Introduction to Lightweight sport rifle
  • Introduction to Practical shooting
  • Introduction to Fullbore shooting
  • Introduction to Fullbore target rifle
  • introduction to Muzzle loading & Black powder Shooting


COACHING - discipline specific


Ongoing coaching and development

The club has its own dedicated training team, including club coaches for smallbore target rifle,  lightweight sport rifle, and an ISSF coach.

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Copyright EMRR 2012-22 Contact: 07553 209 245 All Images for illustration only