East Midlands Regional Range Club
Target Shootiong - Somthing for Everyone
About the Club
The club was founded in 2013 and is a very relaxed club open to everyone, we have a simple philosophy in the club, SAFETY & FUN, as long as what you are doing is safe we encourage all forms of shooting. We shoot because we enjoy it and it is fun.
We encourage our members to enjoy the sport at whatever level they want to, many of our members just enjoy coming down to shoot and others enjoy shooting competitions.
Target shooting is the safest sport in the UK, it is very diverse with many different disciplines within the sport, it is the only sport in the UK to be completely integrated for men, women, disabled and able bodied people, and we even have Blind shooting.
What We Shoot
At the club we shoot the following
- Air Rifle
- Small Bore Target Rifle
- Small Bore Bench-rest
- Practical Rifle
- Practical Shotgun
- Fullbore
- Cvilian Service Rifle
- Muzzle Loading
- Vintage Arms
During the year we have several trips to other ranges to shoot Full Bore Target Rifle and Scoped rifles up to 1200yds, also Historic, vintage arms and Muzzle loading black powder rifles, and some members compete at local, regional and National Competitions